Tag: resolutions

New Year’s Routines

Happy New Year!

Remember this post? Well, in response that my last post, I’m brushing up on the clearly defined routines I set out at the beginning of the school year. I desperately want these routines to be the focus on my life, so that I can make more space for me, time with my husband, and in general, so much more joy.

AM Routine
1. Quiet time / yoga
2. Take care of my dog, Bartley

3. Make breakfast, pack lunch
4. Shower, get ready.
5. Leave by 6:30

AM Work Routine
1. Check email
2. Prep classroom and materials

PM Work Routine
1. Clear desk
2. Check email
3. Make phone calls
4. Go through to to-do list
5. 10-minute clean

PM Routine
1. Get things ready for the next day
2. 10-minute clean
2. Quiet time by 10:00

Other Routines to Try Out This Month
Monday = groceries day
Tuesday = yoga day
Thursday = something outside
Sunday = plan week with husband

30 minutes of me-time a day
30 minutes of dedicated time with husband a day

I know it sounds like a lot! I’m also thoroughly aware that I have a tendency to go overboard, so we’ll see…

But the idea is that one day soon I won’t have to think about these. They will be my daily habits for getting shit done and then I will have so much more space for fun and joy.

Happy New Year!